If you’re going through a divorce and you’re trying to sell a house, you might be wondering, “what if my house won’t sell during a divorce in Calgary?” That’s a good question to ask so be sure to read this blog post and we’ll share our best answer with you…
A divorce can be a challenging situation: it’s complicated, it’s expensive, it’s time-consuming, and emotions are running high. Amidst all that you still need to sell your house so that you can split the value of any equity in the house and put it all behind you. But what if your house doesn’t sell? Now you have the mortgage on the house for sale, plus rent payments on one, or maybe two other residences you and your Ex are covering while you wait. If you’re going through a divorce and wondering, “what if my house won’t sell during a divorce in Calgary?” then here’s what to do…
What Are The Reasons Your House Doesn’t Sell?
Unfortunately, there are many reasons your house might not sell. Some of the reasons are related to the normal market conditions (and they might be present even if you weren’t going through a divorce). Alberta is going through a significant downturn right now and that is affecting the Calgary real estate market in a big way. But besides the obvious poor Alberta economy, there might be additional reasons that your house doesn’t sell — for example, maybe you have a complicated divorce or there’s a lot of conflict between each party in the divorce and this makes it too difficult for the buyer to negotiate on the sale of the property.
This Delay Adds To The Problem!
If the house is not selling as quickly as you’d like, this adds to the problem and it ultimately ends up costing you more — in bills and taxes and mortgage payments, as well as in additional attorneys fees. Not to mention that the longer a house sits on the market the more of a “stigma” it gets as other buyers start to wonder “Why has this house been on the market so long? What is wrong with it?”.
Simply put, you might be hoping to get a high price for your house but your divorce could actually be scaring people away and costing you money.
Fortunately there’s another option…
Strategy For Divorce Houses: Sell To A House-Buying Company
Here’s an effective strategy for people who are trying to sell their divorce house — instead of listing the house with an agent, sell the house directly to a real estate buying firm like us here at ASAP House Buyers. As real estate buyers, we may not always be able to pay the market price for a house… but many divorcing people realize that holding out for a higher price can actually be a costly strategy once you factor in the cost of repairing the property, the carrying costs while you wait months for an agent to find a buyer, and then the agent’s commission (costing you thousands of dollars). And that is just the financial toll, what about the emotional toll of being “stuck” dealing with the Ex-partner for an unforeseeable amount of time? Hard to put a value on ending that roller coaster early.
If you’re wondering, “what if my house won’t sell during a divorce in Calgary?” and if you want to sell your house fast, a real estate buying firm like ours is the fastest and simplest choice to get the property out from the middle of your divorce, give you money for it, and allow you to wrap up this portion of the divorce proceedings.